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  China Xu Beihong Painting Academy Co., Ltd. 



    he Board of Directors of Xu Beihong Painting Academy Limited is the permanent supreme authority of the company and is responsible to the shareholders'meeting. The president of the company presides over the management and is responsible to the board of directors. The post of Director of the Board of Directors shall be elected and rotated every three years. The Director of the Board of Directors shall be fully responsible for the hiring and appointment of senior management personnel, the examination and approval of and coordination of the annual development work plans of the companies, and the supervision of the business and major business matters of directly affiliated units and the implementation of company rules and regulations. 





Director: Ma Zhonglin
Deputy Director. Dean: Chen Yuanhua
Deputy Director. Supervisor: Lin Zhifeng

Deputy Director. General Manager: Wang Endong

Finance and Taxation. Director of Media: Jusally

Deputy Director-General. Editor-in-Chief: Gao Yuesong 




Map: Board of Directors. Asia Pacific Center

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版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院油畫院 郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照

  國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn【翻版必究】
