陳佳,江蘇南京人,中國美術家協會會員,中國徐悲鴻畫院副院長。2010年畢業于南京藝術學院美術學院油畫系獲碩士學位;南京工程學院藝術與設計學院副教授 。參加中國美術家協會展覽:“2019美麗黃河口•全國中國畫、油畫作品展”;“逐夢•威海衛2018全國風景、靜物油畫作品展”;“第六屆全國(大芬)中青年油畫展;“同心築夢/第二屆中國民族美術雙年展”;“美麗南方•廣西——中國美術作品展”;“第五屆全國(大芬)中青年油畫展”。參加中國油畫學會展覽: “江南如畫—中國油畫作品展(2019)”;“可見之詩——第三屆中國油畫展”;“江南如畫——中國油畫作品展(2017)”;“可見之詩——第二屆中國油畫展”。江蘇省美協“第二屆青年油畫展”優秀獎;“第十屆油畫展”優秀獎;“江南意蘊——江蘇油畫展”優秀獎。(圖片點擊放大還原)
Chen Jia, born in 1979 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing Academy of Art in 2010 with a Master's degree in Poria and a member of the Chinese Artists Association. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Art and Design, Nanjing Institute of Engineering. Art Review: The Complex of Water and Ink in Chinese Oil Painting is published in Cross-Century, Talking about Moral Ideals and Artistic Creation is published in Popular Literature and Art, Talking about the New Generation Art Phenomenon in the Early 1990s is published in Art Education Research, Schematization Tendency in Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting Creation, and A Hundred Artists. "A Brief Talk on Contemporary Chinese Behavior Art", "The Grand Stage", "Decorative Frescoes" was published in "Research on Art Education", "Critical Spirit of European"Modern Art Movement"was published in"Research on Art Education". (Image click zoom in and restore)
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